Monday, July 27, 2020

Silly fights on a trip

Well we all know what happens during a trip. Few silly fights happen. Now that I think of these things it makes me laugh but it was difficult at that time. Let’s see the list of reasons that provoked a fight.

1) Window seat - I know ull think I’m crazy but when I was in school I had a fight with my best friend because we made a deal to switch seats after few hours but the time I was supposed to sit near the seat was when the sun rays were hitting the window so hard and it was soo hot to sit there. We dint talk for 2 hours but eventually solved the issue later.

2) Hotel room bed sheet - That’s one more lame fight we had in school days. The temperature of the room was soo low and we were shivering and din’t know how to adjust the temperature. We had a single large sized bed sheet and I like to wrap myself around with it but sharing it with my friend was annoying and we ended up pulling the bed sheet all night.

3) Company issue - When ur friend ditches u on a trip to be with someone else this issue is caused. It has not happened with me yet;P. But I bet most of you might have faced this.

4) Who baths first - This happens when we end waking up late after chatting all night and have issues in deciding who will go in which order to bath which also comes with time duration.

5) Song/Movie selection - In the bus when we have to select and play a song or a movie this happens. In clg days it was very common. 

Actually tours become more memorable only because of these things. I think if you haven’t faced anything above I bet you missed something in your tours.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

When Planning Fails

We plan about almost everything in life. We used to make schedules before exams to plan how we study in school. As we grew older our plans became more complex. Planning which college we are going to join, career, whom to marry and much more. When one of this fails we are shattered and scared. We decide there’s nothing that will work out in our lives.

But we need to know that most of things don't go as per our plan no matter how perfect everything seems. Uncertainty is a part of being alive because even a plain straight perfect line on ECG denotes death. So what can we do about it? Should we stop planning and blindly live? No, not really. I think we need to accept our lives as it is and try making it better. 

You might ask how. I agree I’m not a pro at living the best life because I have had my ups and downs and still working everyday to make mine better. But one thing I have learned is we need to constantly grow by studying something and doing something. For example, If you failed an job interview based on which you planned supporting your family financially or marrying a person or any other reason of your own you can’t just give up, instead you need to accept the fact that you failed and analyze why you failed and you need to prepare better and be present(U magically won’t get a job. We need to apply to companies) and grab the opportunities.

This doesn’t apply to job interviews alone it can be anything. Edison holds the record for most failed attempts before inventing a functional light bulb. His response has become famous to entrepreneurs: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

When it rains look for the RAINBOW, 
When it’s dark look for the STARS
          So Lookout for the best in everything you do and never get dejected by life. Because life has More to go


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tours and Dancing

Something that fills up my energy and excites me is going on tours with good company. Sometimes your friends might screw the plan you make and it might upset u but patience is always something that has helped me. Two things that go hand in hand along with trips is music and dance(Depends on the size and mode of transport). Let’s see the list of various dance forms I did with my friends.

1) Snake dance - This happened in my college IV’s so called camp fire without fire 
2) Pole dance - I did this on a school trip using the support of poles in a travel bus with my class mates which was soo much fun. We were actually holding that because the road route was not so smooth and dancing that way eventually became pole dance.
3) Swirl - Hostel day celebrations famous swirling around step which requires a couple(Hey it was in girls hostel and I did it with a girl
4) 360 degree step - This must be performed only by professional dancers(Just kidding). I was in 9th grade and did this on a lunch break with my best friend and she eventually hit a wooden desk and broke her hip practiced and executed in IV’s and school trips.

5) Kuthu dance- That’s the most famous one which we all enjoy doing on a high beat song. It’s more fun with disco lights on because your not visible to people and you can dance however you want to.

If you dislike dancing and prefer sleeping on a tour I say just try dancing at least once in your lifetime because it's the best feeling you can ever have😁

Monday, July 20, 2020

Binge watching😵

I developed this very bad habit after I joined college. For the first time in my life I was away from home where no one can stop me from using my laptop late night as a result of which I started watching Korean series. The way each episode ended tempted me to watch the next one which went on and on. I enjoyed it a lot but the problem is I started googling about the people who played these characters and also felt sad when each series ended. I stopped watching it sometime in 3rd year as I switched to movies. Now that I joined office I started again with English series.

The problem is not watching them but procrastinating your tasks for the entire day and still not stopping until it’s over. These unlimited data packs have given us more room to stream unlimited content which takes us to its own world rather than living in reality. 

I have searched a lot about how to control this urge and found out hormones like dopamine(Feel good hormone) is responsible for this behavior. Besides these technical aspects when I wanted to know what I felt after binge watching is regretting my life and scared about future. I also felt uncomfortable spending time alone and dint feel the need to organize my life by planning daily activities. The main reason people escape into binge watching is to move away from reality of life where hard work is involved.

We need to understand the fact that these are just work of other successful people which we are consuming on a daily basis and this must be a mere source of entertainment to us and not a source of distraction from actual life.  

I’m still trying my best to control my instincts but the only way is self- control by listing the tasks for the day and watching series only at the end because if you start watching this first thing in the morning then there’s no way this is gonna end. 

Also never watch it late night because when I did this and woke up in the morning I still felt my eyes burning and was tired even after a few hours of sleep. Overcoming this is definitely going to make you feel better about urself. So just live life and don’t escape from it.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dealing with Anger😈

Being angry is something that I do most of the time especially on my family because I never react at work or anywhere else as much as I feel free to do it at home. The main victim of my anger is my younger sister. It’s also true that she irritates me most of the time but she is kind of curious of things I do and tries to lookout to me to help her and I just scream and send her away. We also tend to do it with our mom’s more frequently. She asks us if we had lunch or dinner and we end up screaming at her asking her not to disturb because we are too busy in something which might not be that important than eating on time.

Always think for a minute before you scream or be rude to someone because it’s not their fault to come and talk to you so that you show your frustration on them.

Relax and enjoy things while doing them because having a cool mind gets the best out of you in any situation rather than a panicking person.

Stop overthinking and Do it

Hello Everyone. We always wanted to grow up and become adults while we were kids but now everyday we wish we were back to being kids once again enjoying the simple life except preparing for exams and the homework;). The best part about being a kid is the energy each one of us spread literally lighting up the room as soon as we enter. We used to bring smile on everyone’s face. 
Hopping around everywhere, sometimes falling down is also okay because I fell from the first floor of my grandma’s home when I tried to pick fruits from a tree. Don’t panic I survived :P. I know that was dangerous but it was a learning process which helped me calculate the distance of the tree next time. Somewhere as we grew older we tend to loose the amazing energy and courage we had as kids and are often thinking about others opinions about us and on the work we do.


We are scared and are often a pessimist even before starting the things we want to do. So whatever you want to do just start and make it better as you proceed. Life is a learning process and don't be scared because ull gain more as u proceed.💕😉

I switched my work organization😉

First of all thank you for coming here to read my blogs. I haven't posted for a long time now and believe I will be more consistent goin...