Thursday, July 23, 2020

When Planning Fails

We plan about almost everything in life. We used to make schedules before exams to plan how we study in school. As we grew older our plans became more complex. Planning which college we are going to join, career, whom to marry and much more. When one of this fails we are shattered and scared. We decide there’s nothing that will work out in our lives.

But we need to know that most of things don't go as per our plan no matter how perfect everything seems. Uncertainty is a part of being alive because even a plain straight perfect line on ECG denotes death. So what can we do about it? Should we stop planning and blindly live? No, not really. I think we need to accept our lives as it is and try making it better. 

You might ask how. I agree I’m not a pro at living the best life because I have had my ups and downs and still working everyday to make mine better. But one thing I have learned is we need to constantly grow by studying something and doing something. For example, If you failed an job interview based on which you planned supporting your family financially or marrying a person or any other reason of your own you can’t just give up, instead you need to accept the fact that you failed and analyze why you failed and you need to prepare better and be present(U magically won’t get a job. We need to apply to companies) and grab the opportunities.

This doesn’t apply to job interviews alone it can be anything. Edison holds the record for most failed attempts before inventing a functional light bulb. His response has become famous to entrepreneurs: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

When it rains look for the RAINBOW, 
When it’s dark look for the STARS
          So Lookout for the best in everything you do and never get dejected by life. Because life has More to go



I switched my work organization😉

First of all thank you for coming here to read my blogs. I haven't posted for a long time now and believe I will be more consistent goin...