Hi to whoever reading this blog sorry that I was missing for a while. You know caught up in work and blah and blah but these are just reasons as I was lazy to write this blog. I suddenly felt I have nothing to share here. But got my senses back so lets jump to the story😁
As I was hitting the gym the other day I saw this tremendous looking girl who had well built muscles better than any girl I have ever seen at the gym before. She looked something like below pic.
Whenever she walks into the gym you can feel everyone noticing her because of the great physique she has out of respect and admiration because gym ppl know how difficult it is to build muscles of that stature.
Me and my husband while hanging out with one of this friends talked about this and he his friend asked me why dint I go and tell her she looked great. He said she would feel really happy about it.
Next day I walked up to her and told her "Hi. You have a great physique and I admire you." Her face lit up and she said thanks and we talked for few mins.
She said she has been hitting the gym for 9 years😲. I was shocked. I asked her "what's your age if you don't mind ?". She looked 25 to me. She told me she is 29. She asked me when I started gymming. I told her it's 2.5 years and I had a 1-2 months gaps in between.
She said "It takes time and be consistent you will get there". One thing she said stuck with me. She said "I actually enjoy working out. I do it whenever I get free time. It's kind of like a hobby."
I was like wow and told her that's great and then we eventually ended the conversation. One thing I understood is that sudden burst of motivation, trying to be consistent and disciplined doesn't matter unless you really want to do something and enjoying doing it.
I love a organised space. I don't watch videos to motivate me to keep my space tidy. I just do it on autopilot. Same thing goes to watering my plants. It just happens because I happen to feel good after doing these things. If one likes a fitter body one must automatically make healthier food choices and do things to reach there.
Unless you enjoy the process you can't be consistent enough to get the results. I saw a John Abraham interview with beer biceps where he said he trains hard everyday from past 28 years and he wants to die in a 6 pack abs. You can't be this consistent unless you enjoy the process of working out at the gym.
I learnt that we all need to enjoy the process and not the end results alone. So lets work towards things we really want and enjoy the process💕
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