Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Read this if you feel sick and unwell all the time..


This post is just to change your narrative on health if you have been feeling sick or being called a sick person all the time. I would like to explain this using my life story.

I have been the most adventure loving fun person I know throughout my life but I stopped believing this narrative and started feeling sick and lazy and it all started during the onset of covid.

If you would have known me before this phase you would have rarely seen me sick. I would have cried a few times because of teen life crisis but it had nothing to do with my health. Even on family trips to hills I have never felt nauseated.

During the 8 months of being a fresher I had lot of freedom and money to buy and eat things I want and there were times I used to eat 2 small size pizzas around 10:30 pm. It dint do anything to me but the results showed up during locked down where I gained around 8 kgs.

I had work for the entire day during this fresher phase and my onset of frequent headaches started. This is when I started using Amrutanjan that has now become an inevitable part of my life😂. After moving to Trichy things became worse because my food and environment changed. The spicy diet was too much for me and the summer was harsh and I had to spend entire day confined to a AC room working from home.

With minimal physical activity and the AC my headaches became so intense that until I take a pill or puke it never went away. I visited ophthalmologist, general physician and other specialist to figure out what is wrong with me. I scanned my eyes to check for power and even my head for migraine but everything thing was normal.

My father in law was the person who pointed out that Im staying in the room all day in front of system under AC and it can be the cause. He also advised me to get some sun and wake up early.

It was hard to wake up early🙈 but then me and my husband made a major change by hitting the gym. One month after joining the gym my head aches vanished away. 

But this was kind of short term because we moved to Bangalore and settling here we took around 6-8 months break from gym. During this period I was doing too much of work and spent lot of time organising and set up the house and making my own food. Travelling to office for an hour and waiting in traffic caused back aches. 

Whenever my husband came back from college I used to constantly complain that my head aches, my neck aches and back aches. He started calling me weak body. When he suggested about gym I told him that he is crazy because I was spending lot of energy doing things at the house and this itself feels like a workout. But he dragged me and we were kind off brainwashed into a 1 year membership because of the offer.

But I wouldn't complain. I don't go to the gym very strictly because I travel to my hometown monthly once or we travel somewhere but we visit gym when we are in Bangalore. This has been a major factor and made me more cautious on what I put in my body. There's an in body score and I have improved by 5 points since I joined the gym. My back aches became less frequent after the strength training I have been doing at the gym.

Narrative changing moment

When I told my mom that my husband calls me weak she was kind off shocked and worried because she said Im the most active person she knows and Im the one who travels with her and declutters house and also ready to go where she calls me. She made me realise that I have been falling sick because of the major diet change I had since I moved to different places and not eating the right food.

Besides this, the problem is when you start believing that you are a sick and weak person everyone arounds you feels the same. Hence I have decided to not constantly crib about head aches or back aches or neck aches just for the sake of it. If you really think some part of your body is unwell wait it out or change the environment. If it turns unbearable seek professional help.

I was motivated to write this because of the reel I saw on Instagram were a man says "My wife is not my wife until she says these things. If her head doesn't hurt, her stomach hurts and if that's fine then her leg hurts". My husband sent a laughing emoji along with this reel and I felt 😒.

Little did I realise the reason for this is how I put myself out there. Imagine you have a person who always talks about their health issues to you and you are obviously bound to think that they are sick person. This is the exact thing that happened with me.


Feel healthy and you will automatically stay health. Make the right choices and give out positive healthy vibes when you speak about health. Never pop a pill until its absolutely necessary.


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