Wednesday, August 3, 2022

What's the actual time required to do anything?


The great thing I learnt today is that the amount of time required to do something is way less than the time we think it might take. Well lets decode the above statement with an example. Yesterday I had few dishes lying in the sink. I kept think about it the entire day. Along with this there where other errands like fixing phone holder from a mechanic on my 2 wheeler, getting fruits, getting rid of waste in the bin, studying and solving a specific topic.. Now all these thing kept clouding my head and gave me an illusion that I have lots of work to do. I kept postponing. Today I decided enough is enough and just listed down what's in my head and finished everything one by one so that those thoughts leave my head.

The actual time taken to get rid of the waste was 5mins, buying fruits was 30mins, mechanic thing took 15mins, doing dishes took 10mins. The total here is around max of 1hr. But I kept thinking abt this for 3 days which reduced my ability to concentrate on studies. After getting these out of my head I was able to peacefully do my office work and studies. 

So here's the thing. The amount of work expands with time. This might sound crazy but is true. Every work takes the exact amount of time we spend doing it. Example: If we have to submit an assignment in 2 weeks then it takes 2 weeks. If the deadline is 1 month away we take 1 month to get it done. Moreover if we don't have deadline for anything it can dangerously occupy our lifespan. That's true. If we keep thinking we will start business one day or start a blog one day or start your own store one day and keep waiting for the right time that time might never come. So if anything crosses ur mind and you think that is necessary then do it asap. Start Now!!!

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