Well the past year was a bliss and had its owns happy and sad moments but the lessons I learnt was massive. Im happy to share the following life lessons that everyone should know about either they are married or not. 1. Be yourself, the world will adjust - This is a very strong quote that frames his perspective towards life. I admire him because he is that person who doesn't care about what the world thinks rather gives importance to his mental sanity. 2. No Problem is Big Problem - He is a firm believer of this. His famous dialogue is, "Is this a problem?" To be honest this annoys me like hell. But when I think about the problem after whining about it for hours I genuinely feel this isn't as big as I thought it would be. Some problem might be big but when we approach towards the solution of it rather than focussing towards the problem life gets bit easier. 3. Don't Overthink - Just my overthinking problem😂 4. Don't obsess over the things that has happened...
This is a sneak peek into my life about things I faced and things I feel. This blog was just a sudden plan which I implemented in order to cope up with boredom but the content out there is definitely worth reading;)