Hi to whoever reading this blog sorry that I was missing for a while. You know caught up in work and blah and blah but these are just reasons as I was lazy to write this blog. I suddenly felt I have nothing to share here. But got my senses back so lets jump to the storyπ As I was hitting the gym the other day I saw this tremendous looking girl who had well built muscles better than any girl I have ever seen at the gym before. She looked something like below pic. You can tell by the look of it she has been working really hard to be that healthy and how consistent she must have been to have built that great physique. Whenever she walks into the gym you can feel everyone noticing her because of the great physique she has out of respect and admiration because gym ppl know how difficult it is to build muscles of that stature. Me and my husband while hanging out with one of this friends talked about this and he his friend asked me why dint I go and tell her she looked great. He said sh...
This is a sneak peek into my life about things I faced and things I feel. This blog was just a sudden plan which I implemented in order to cope up with boredom but the content out there is definitely worth reading;)