Growing up my parents used to buy clothing only 3-4 times a year mainly during festive seasons or sometimes when they needed any piece of clothing. They dint have television nor internet so they as consumers had the freedom to decide and mindfully buy the stuff they need only when they need it unlike our generation. Here we turn our tv on or any social media platform it bombards us with lot of products which dint exist in the previous era and we are tricked into believe that these are essentials. There is some sale or offer going on every other day on the online shopping platforms. We have piled up our closets with skin care, hair care products, slippers, clothes, bags, home essentials etc.. Im also guilty of piling my closet up. So here are the clothing lessons I learnt: 1. Don't buy a new skin care or hair care product unless the previous one is over. 2. Invest in quality over quantity. Im not that kind of person who looks into brands while I purchase stuff. If something feels...
This is a sneak peek into my life about things I faced and things I feel. This blog was just a sudden plan which I implemented in order to cope up with boredom but the content out there is definitely worth reading;)