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Showing posts from June, 2022

Mindset 👊

Mindset plays an important role in framing our character and outlook on life. We can be termed as a pessimist and optimist based on the way we approach at things. Now let me give an example. Yesterday I took a mock test for an exam which comes 4.5 months later but the scores dejected me. I started thinking I can't crack the actual exam. I wasn't able to solve most of the questions and became scared looking at the timer that kept going. Here's the thing. I already accepted I am going to fail and decided to give up which I feel now as a losers decision.  There are two mindsets basically for humans based on a book. It's the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.  Fixed Mindset It means thinking you are born a certain way and your environment and family background won't support certain things therefore you can't do it. Eg: Blaming your families riches or education background because you can't do certain thing. Though these things influence upto certain level it i...