Well let's first understand this term consumerism. It means encouraging the consumption of goods and services as a never ending cycle. So in simple words we the people are consumers who will constantly be bombarded with ads promoting that we need certain things to increase our standard of living. What's wrong in increasing the standard of living? Let's be honest there's nothing wrong. It is good to get stuff that ease our lives like mixer and grind instead of the old ways of grinding spices, television for entertainment, mobile phone for communication, vehicle for travelling. So where does the problem arise? It arrises when we start buying more stuff than we actually need just because we saw a ad saying the existing one is not good. We will always find something better coming up in the market each day. It has become a way of life. Most of the time the products are purposefully made so fragile that we end up replacing them. Eg: The glass back on mobile phones are goo...
This is a sneak peek into my life about things I faced and things I feel. This blog was just a sudden plan which I implemented in order to cope up with boredom but the content out there is definitely worth reading;)