We'll adding on the amount of uncertainties in life one more thing happened. I got engaged. Yes I know its crazy and hard to believe this for me as well. I actually wanted to settle down in my career and then get married but as we all know what Indian parents feel (I'll get white hair when I turn 25😂) so they wanted me to marry soon. All this started after my cousin got married in December. My parents told me its hard to find a match that suits you so we will take more than a year to find you a perfect guy(A lie as u know😛😜). I met my fiancé sometime around in march end. It was a formal meeting at my place and my family exchanged few question with theirs. Our families liked each other and we departed. We took our time to move things forward because of Lockdown, Ramzan and Covid issue as you guys know. My parents actually dint see any guy after that and I also thought I escaped🙈 for a while because of the tension going on but something said that meeting with his will continu...
This is a sneak peek into my life about things I faced and things I feel. This blog was just a sudden plan which I implemented in order to cope up with boredom but the content out there is definitely worth reading;)